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Noodle Dish

Hakata ramen

at Tonkotsu

Westminster, London, England

Hakata Ramen In Tonkotsu | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
63 Dean St, London W1D 4QG, England +44 20 7437 0071


"The stock at Tonkotsu is very good. It is a deep, rich, intensely life-affirming thing. It is a bowl full of maternal instincts. It is the way to make a bad day good."
"This ramen has a wickedly rich, porky stock that has so much depth of flavour. It is finished off with sliced pork, soft egg and spring onions. The noodles are all made in-house and you can taste the difference straight away."
"Creamy and only slightly gelatinous from the pork stock, with a fragrant edge coming from near-raw spring onions, it’s salivating stuff to slurp your way through."
"You wouldn’t want to eat more than a bowlful, and if you don’t have a hearty appetite you might not even finish one, but you’ll enjoy what you do eat."
"The broth was heavenly; it was probably pretty close to the most porky thing I have ever tasted. All ingredients perfectly cooked, perfectly balanced and the combination of all these things completely mind-blowing."

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