"Salt and pepper squid was cooked to perfection, with plenty of sliced red chillies to give a surprisingly subtle heat."
"Good quality squid which melted in the mouth."
"The salt and pepper squid was perfectly cooked and is highly recommended."
"The salt and pepper squid was full of different flavours as it was cooked in garlic, chilli peppers and onions so it had the right amount of spicy zing to it but was not overpowering."
"It looked good when it arrived and was a surprisingly good version of it with the salt and pepper flavours clearly present and nice slivers of chillies on top."
"On picking them up with chopsticks you could see they were just golden bites of excellence. They were perfectly cooked, fresh squid with just the right amount of seasoning. Coupled with fresh crunchy spring onions, this dish couldn’t have been lighter and more crisp."
"We loved the salt and pepper squid, it was executed perfectly."