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Rice Dish

Nasi pecel

at SGPC Bu Wiryo 1959

Sleman, Indonesia

Nasi Pecel In SGPC Bu Wiryo 1959 | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Jl. Agro 10, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman, 55281 Yogyakarta, Indonesia +62 274 512 288


"In my opinion, it was an 'honest' dish. Very simple, but delicious and heartwarming."
"Wide spinach leaves combined with the warm steamed rice felt so soft in my mouth."
"Boiled vegetables in Pecel sauce spread over warm, steamed rice, wow, this is so tempting for my stomach. Truly an exciting appearance, makes me even more hungry."
"For someone whose palate favours spicy and salty flavours, this Nasi Pecel was definitely right up my alley. SGPC Ibu Wiryo is a must-visit joint if you fancy a healthy Javanese meal."
"The whole dish at Mr Waryo's might seem similar to the other Pecel places, but the peanut seasoning is what really makes the difference."
"In my opinion, it is the perfect combination of spicy and sweet flavors in the peanut sauce that made this Nasi Pecel a champion among the others."
"The sauce made of finely ground peanuts (unique smooth texture is achieved with the traditional nut crusher), they mix with tamarind juice and secret spices past forward through generations."
"Mr Waryo started as a street-seller, offering her Nasi Pecel out of a hand basket, but by now she become a culinary legend in the Students' City."

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