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Sarde in Saor | Traditional Appetizer From Venice, Italy | TasteAtlas
Sarde in Saor | Traditional Appetizer From Venice, Italy | TasteAtlas
Sarde in Saor | Traditional Appetizer From Venice, Italy | TasteAtlas
Sarde in Saor | Traditional Appetizer From Venice, Italy | TasteAtlas
Sarde in Saor | Traditional Appetizer From Venice, Italy | TasteAtlas

Sarde in saor

(Sardine in saor)

One of Venice's most traditional dishes, this delicious appetizer of marinated sardines originated among the fishermen and seafarers of La Serenissima as a way to preserve fish during their long voyages. Sarde in saor are made by frying fresh sardines and then marinating them either in white wine or vinegar with softly cooked onions, pine nuts, and raisins.

The dish is preferably prepared the day before serving, and it can keep well over the course of a week. In Venice, this ultimate antipasto agrodolce is found on every corner and is typically served alongside grilled polenta.