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Sablé de Wissant

Sablé de Wissant is a French cheese hailing from Wissant in the region of Nord-Pas-de-Calais. The semi-soft cheese is made from raw cow's milk and ages for 7 weeks. It's rolled in bread crumbs to give it a rough and sandy rind after which it's named – the name of the cheese means Sandy from Wissant.

The rind absorbs the local beer in which it is washed during the maturation period. The texture is supple, rich, creamy, and dotted with tiny eyes. The aromas and flavors are yeasty and slightly sweet (because of the beer), with a pungent and barnyardy finish.

Due to its distinctive visual appearance, Sablé de Wissant is often used on cheeseboards. It's recomended to serve it with a glass of Champagne or a light ale.

Best Sablé de Wissant