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at Restaurant Sergiana

Brașov, Romania

Strada Mureșenilor 28, Brașov 500030, Romania +40 268 419 775


"This dish was pleasantly tasty, so we were excited about the prospect of the food to come."
"It was very, very tasty."
"Intriguingly atmospheric restaurant with sinful platefuls of deep-fried crunchy pork lard and crusty bread to be downed with Bran Palinca prune brandy and Ursus draught beer."
"The fried pork lard (crackling) was an interesting starter... I could feel my arteries clogging as the soft lard melted in my mouth (I liked the melting sensation in my mouth, so I kept eating it)."
"But really, try Sergiana. If only for the free starter that you’ll get. I still don’t know what it is – something like fried pork rinds with red onion. I know, it doesn’t sound very appetizing like that – but it’s absolutely delicious."
"Make sure you try the jumari."
"Seriously, I don’t know (or even want to know) what those little chunks of meat actually consisted of, but it was pretty much an orgasm in fried bovine form. Lauren and I just sat there looking at each other, entirely speechless after the first heavenly mix of greasy pig and tangy onion."
"We came in hungry, so the complimentary fried pork belly (chicharrones for my Spanish and Cuban peeps) was the perfect start to the meal."
"Oh. My. God. It was a plate of pork fat. For the first time in my entire life, I literally cried with happiness over food. I sat there and for five beautiful minutes I sobbed. It was life changing, and it was the perfect way to end our time in Brasov."

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