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Ground Meat Dish


at Restaurant La Mama

Bucharest, Romania

Sarma In Restaurant La Mama | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Strada Episcopiei 9, Bucharest 030167, Romania +40 21 312 9797


"I tried some at La Mama (Strada Episcopiei 9) and was impressed. Very tasty."
"We highly encourage you to order sarmale here. This dish is a classic Romanian dish, and the classical version is featuring minced pork stuffed inside sauerkraut leaves."
"La Mama, literally meaning “At your mom’s place,” is a restaurant chain serving traditional food that strives to lend their dishes that unmissable homemade feel that characterizes all Romanian dishes. Their sarmale, made with a combination of beef and pork meat, and served with smoked salo, raw onion, and chili, capture that beautifully."

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