"Your assortment should definitely include a basket of Ng’s signature ‘Pac Man’ Shrimp Dumplings—Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde in blue, pink, yellow and white, chasing a Pac-Man made of sweet potato tempura with a blueberry for an eye."
"This wins some major points for creativity and playful plating: ‘Pac Man’ Shrimp Dumplings are made to look like the game’s famous ghosts – a delight for the eyes as much as for the palate. No wonder this has become the restaurant’s signature dish since the pictures hit the internet! The four very tasty little shrimp dumplings, each has a different flavor. Seriously awesome."
"The unique dim sum dishes are popular menu items at RedFarm. With choices like Pac Man shrimp dumplings, it's no wonder why."
"From the dim sum selection, the Pac Man shrimp dumplings are as delicious as they are Instagram-worthy."
"Cuteness ensues. The filling is dense, moist, and a million miles away from the largely defrosted mass-produced gunk of Chinatown."
"They are absolutely delicious! The steamed dumplings have an extremely light wrapper, allowing the filling to be the true star. As a lobster lover, the pink ‘ghost’ was definitely a favorite of mine."
"Proving why this eatery is inventive, the Pac Man shrimp rolls provided a humorous visual. A fried sweet potato cake over guacamole is chasing four “surprised” shrimp rolls, but the surprise is that each roll contains a different ingredient mixed in with the shrimp. Naturally, we wanted to play video games after eating this Dim Sum delight."