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Queso Mallorca

(Majorcan, Formatge Mallorquí, Mallorca, Mallorca Cheese)

Queso Mallorca is a Spanish cheese hailing from Mallorca. The cheese is made from blended milk of local cows, goats, and/or sheep. It comes in three varieties, depending on the aging period: semi-cured (at least 20 days), cured (at least 45 days), and aged (at least 100 days).

The rind is washed in brine and rubbed with olive oil. Underneath it, the texture is firm, smooth, dense, and slightly elastic. The aromas are milky and buttery, increasing with the age of each wheel. The flavors are salty and acidic, while matured cheese might have a slight peppery flavor and a more intense aftertaste.

It's recommended to serve the cheese on its own as a snack or pair it with nuts.