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Caballa de Andalucia are mackerel fillets of the species Scomber japonicus, fresh or preserved in sunflower or olive oil. This particular species has been fished in the south of Spain for three thousand years and is to this day p... READ MORE
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Cuzcuz Paulista is an elaborate Brazilian dish consisting of cornmeal enriched with olives, canned sardines (or any other canned fish), and peas – ingredients that were quite expensive and exotic during the time of the dish's invention in th... READ MORE
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This light and healthy Croatian dish consists of large tomatoes filled with a combination of onions, pickles, olives, and canned fish. However, there are many variations, and almost every family has their own recipe. In order to prepare it, tops s... READ MORE
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Tinned marchri tarkari is a Fijian dish that is ideally prepared with a can of brand 777's mackerel, tomato sauce, onions, and flavorings such as ginger, fenugreek, cumin, mustard, curry leaves, and chilis. The canned fish is simmered over low hea... READ MORE