Produced in the province of Pisa, Tuscany since the 1400s, Pecorino delle Balze Volterrane or Pecorino Pisano is a fat, semi-hard cheese made with raw milk from the Italian Sarda sheep breed.
It is available in four varieties: Fresco (matured for 4-7 days), Semistagionato (aged between 45 days and 6 months), Stagionato (matured for 6-12 months) and Pecorino da Asserbo, aged for over a year. The unique geomorphology of the designated area of production, with numerous gullies and large ravines carved out by heavy rain, contributes to the selection of specific flora dominated by widely spread cardoon, the basic ingredient of the vegetable rennet which gives Pecorino Pisano its pronounced herbal aroma.