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Oinomelo | Local Wine Cocktail From Greece, Southeastern Europe | TasteAtlas
Oinomelo | Local Wine Cocktail From Greece, Southeastern Europe | TasteAtlas
Oinomelo | Local Wine Cocktail From Greece, Southeastern Europe | TasteAtlas
Oinomelo | Local Wine Cocktail From Greece, Southeastern Europe | TasteAtlas


(Krasomelo, Οινόμελος, Κρασόμελο)

Oinomelo or krasomelo is a Greek take on aromatic mulled wine. This Greek version is made with a base of red or white wine and honey, while the spices usually include cinnamon and cloves. Other spices or citrus zest are also common, while some variations also use a splash of brandy or orange juice.

Greek mulled wine is a wintertime specialty and should always be served warm. Both names combine Greek words for wine (oinos and krasi) and honey (meli).