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Monaco Cocktail | Local Alcoholic Mixed Drink From France, Western Europe | TasteAtlas

Monaco cocktail

Monaco is a beer-based cocktail that hails from France, but it is also enjoyed in Switzerland and Belgium. The drink combines beer, lemonade, and grenadine syrup. It is usually served in a beer glass, and it is assembled by pouring grenadine syrup on the bottom, then topping it with lemonade.

The combination is then topped with beer. Traditionally lager styles such as pilsners are used. The drink was allegedly modeled on a similar English cocktail called Snakebite, but it is not known when it first appeared. The most popular theory about its name says that red grenadine color and white lemonade resemble the colors of Monaco’s flag.

Monaco cocktail is a classic bistro drink in France, and it should always be served chilled.