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Miele Delle Dolomiti Bellunesi | Local Honey From Province of Belluno, Italy | TasteAtlas

Miele delle Dolomiti Bellunesi

Produced within the province of Belluno, in the unspoiled nature of the Dolomites, Miele delle Dolomiti Bellunesi is an Alpine honey available in six different varieties: Robinia (black locust), Millefiori (mixed flowers), Tiglio (linden), Castagno (chestnut), Rododendro (rhododendron) and Tarassaco (dandelion). Distinguished by the wide assortment of colors and flavors linked to the high biodiversity of the Alpine flora found around Belluno, this versatile product is one of the essential ingredients of local cuisine, used in preparing various dishes, desserts, and even liqueurs.

Belluno honey can be enjoyed for breakfast, paired with yogurt or ricotta cheese but it is also excellent as an appetizer served with local cheeses such as Piave. For an interesting twist of flavors, the Millefiori variety is often used for making Pasta con Salsiccia e Miele (pasta with sausage and honey).