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Maibock | Local Lager From Bavaria, Germany | TasteAtlas


Maibock is a Bavarian lager style that first appeared as a special brew to celebrate the beginning of the garden season—hence the name Mai, which translates as May.

Falling in the category of Bock styles, these golden to light amber beers usually have a medium body, clean and smooth malt flavors, and grainy, lightly toasted aromas with hints of spices and herbs. They typically range from 6 to 8 % ABV, and they tend to be drier and have more pronounced hop flavors and aromas than other Bocks.

Maibock is meant to be a transitional style that falls somewhere between rich winter brews and light summer versions. The prototype is believed to have been coined by Hofbräuhaus brewery, though the style has slightly diverged from its original. Maibock beers pair well with traditional German fare, spicy dishes, and alpine or creamy cheese varieties.