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Sweet Pastry


at Lukumades

Athens, Greece

Lokma In Lukumades | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Aiolou 21, Athens 105 51, Greece +30 21 0321 0880


"One of the best is Lukumades, which is found in the middle of Agias Irinis Square. Besides the traditional honey and cinnamon loukoumades, you can ask for them to be topped with chocolate, almonds, shredded cookies and more. Or, alternatively, go all out and get them stuffed with chocolate praline, lemon or banana cream."
"You can have loukoumades prepared your way at the tiny Lukumades store in the hip Monastiraki area of Athens. Unique flavor combinations include the lemon or masticha-filled loukoumades, which can be enhanced with ice cream. For chocolate lovers, there’s the praline and almond mix. Unlike many places around Athens, prices here are relatively friendly, and the quality will leave you satisfied."
"In this attractive space on Eolou street in downtown Athens you can taste the delicious round, crisp lukumades with honey and cinnamon and also in other variations. The recipe is traditional and perfectly executed. Whichever variation you decide to taste, you can be sure it will be mouthwatering."
"Where to find the best loukoumades in Athens: Lukumades - For the hipster version, head to Lukumades on Agias Irinis Square, where you can choose from every kind of variation your devilish self can think of including, chocolate drizzled toppings or with scoops of delicious ice-cream."
"We went for the original loukoumades, which was a warm tray of freshly fried dough drizzled with honey and cinnamon! It was oh so sinful (especially at 9 in the morning) but so delicious too!"
"We ordered their basic honey & cinnamon lukumades to share for around 3.50 Euro. While it seems like a basic combination, it works well as they use fantastic Greek honey, full of a floral scent and flavour that just covers the freshly fried lukumades in a sweet slick coating. The cinnamon adds just a touch of spice that stops it from becoming too sweet and cloying."
"For your fix of loukoumades (Greek honey balls) that you can take with you, head straight to Lukumades (Aiolou 21) for traditional recipes served up in a modern and fun setting. The menu gives you every imaginable option and the balls of doughy goodness are lightly fried to perfection."
"For dessert, head to Lukumades. They do (you guessed it) loukoumades – little Greek doughnuts covered in honey and nuts. It’s like the Gelato Messina of Athens; people hang out the front, Instagram their treats (I know I did) and go back for seconds if they’re feeling particularly daring."
"Shops that serve loukoumades exclusively can be found virtually anywhere in Greece, but a choice place to try them is LUKUMADES. LUKUMADES uses traditional techniques – a secret flour mixture base prepared fresh daily, made to order on a gas burner – but reinvents the age-old Greek dessert through modern twists."
"Since opening in 2013, the shop has received several awards for its friendly service and unique take on loukoumades. Our favorite was the bite-sized chocolate praline-stuffed loukoumades drizzled with just a touch of white chocolate. To relive the owners’ childhood memories, we recommend “Yiayia’s” (“Grandma’s”) loukoumades, with honey, cinnamon, walnuts."

User comments

Pepi Serafeimidou
January 27, 2019

"It is little shop with the best loukoumades ever.. You can eat them with honey and cinnamon or you can choose between several toppings or fillings..."

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