The world-famous Australian culinary icon Lamington consists of a sponge cake that is dipped in chocolate and sprinkled with finely desiccated coconut. The cake is believed to have been created by accident when Lord Lamington's maid accidentally dropped his favorite cake in melted chocolate.
Lamington, the eighth Governor of Queensland, suggested that the cake should be sprinkled with coconut in order to avoid the mess while consuming it - and the erroneous cake was proclaimed a massive success by all. Today, the cake is extremely popular due to its climate suitability, as it lasts longer in the heat when it's cut in bite-sized squares and covered in coconut.
It is also a staple of fundraising events due to the fact that it can be easily made in large quantities. The cake can also be found throughout Australia and New Zealand in numerous supermarkets, cafés, and bakeries. The cake is also popular in Balkan and Eastern Europe - in Croatia, the same cake (without any fruit jam whatsoever) is called čupavci, and it's a Christmas staple.
This lamington recipe has all the traditional components — butter cake, cocoa glaze, and desiccated coconut. The cake is prepared first and then left to dry for a day. The following day, the cake is cut into squares that are first dipped into a cocoa glaze, which results in softer lamingtons, then rolled in coconut.
"It may ruin you for other lamingtons for life!"
"Flour Drum in Newtown, we have you to thank for spamming us with your lovely lamington cakey creations. PB&J is really hitting the spot, as is your matcha and strawberry partners in crime."
"Candied’s lamington is a thing of wonder, with tangy raspberry jam and a dreamy Valhrona choc ganache holding all that coconut in place."
"We were surprised with a matcha lamington for us to take-away, which was very lovely! It was delicious, and had an amazing coconut and matcha infused flavour, with the subtle notes of the green tea coming through. It’s a great sharing size, and a light dessert to end a meal."
"These guys seriously know their lamingtons. Awards and all, these are the best down south."
"Our favourite, the ‘Lamington’ – chocolate soaked sponge cake filled with jam, rolled in coconut, and served with thickened cream. It’s very delicious."
"A Brisbane institution, Jocelyn's Provisions Lamington's are made with their famously moist butter cake with a hint of orange zest. These beauties are then dipped in chocolate and a smidge of raspberry and rolled in coconut! Yuuum."
"Try the grand ‘Dame Edna’ – a pale pink raspberry-coated version - or just go for the classic slice, with or without cream."
"The Matcha Lamington is a standout. A light and fluffy aussie lamington with a subtle matcha and coconut coating that successfully matchas/matches the two cultures together. (Sorry couldn't resist the pun!). A definite recommend."
"We all agree it’s delicious. Light sponge and a chocolate coating that’s much thicker than usual, like icing (earning big points here). And the lovely jam – a little bit tart and specked with strawberry seeds."