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at La Brigada

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Estados Unidos 465, C1101AAJ Buenos Aires, Argentina +54 11 4361-4685


"Sitting on cushion free, uncomfortable stools and sharing homemade chimichurri sauce with the local diners only adds to an atmosphere that you will struggle to find elsewhere."
"The phenomenal malbec, which through time further released its taste and exposed its sophisticated details, made a great companion to such perfect steaks and to unavoidable chimichurri, and completed this incredible gastronomic and enological treat. What an experience! "
"Various cuts of cattle were ordered and eaten, the delights of chimichurri steak sauce were discussed and another box was ticked by the intrepid worldinaglass team."
"The waiters cut the meat with a spoon, great care is taken in suggesting wines to complement what steak you order and the chimichurri is out of this world. A must visit."

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