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La Piadina di Stefano e Mascia

Cesena, Italy

La Piadina di Stefano e Mascia | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
La Piadina di Stefano e Mascia | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
La Piadina di Stefano e Mascia | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
La Piadina di Stefano e Mascia | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Viale Gaspare Finali, 5, 47521 Cesena FC, Italy +39 335 573 0847


Street Food

Piadina Romagnola

Recommended by Veruska Anconitano and 1 other food critic.


"In Cesena Stefano e Mascia are known for their stuffed piadina which is a bit higher than the normal one and it’s substantial and impossible to forget. Quality ingredients and the kindness of the staff do the rest."
"Proposals are classical, piadina is beautifully tall and hearty. One is more than enough."

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