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Sweet Pie

Mince pie

at Konditor & Cook

Lambeth, London, England

Mince Pie In Konditor & Cook | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
22 Cornwall Rd, Lambeth, London SE1 8TW, England +44 20 7633 3333


"Look out especially for seasonal treats such as mince pies in December."
"The City A.M. team gives their verdict on the best luxury pies in the run up to the big day: Konditor & Cook - With the golden glaze and thick texture of a savoury pie, these were packed full of sharp, citrusy mince meat wrapped in a rich, moist pastry."
"A top quality pie, as you would expect from Konditor and Cook."
"London's best mince pies: Konditor & Cook - It’s small enough that you can eat two in 10 minutes without any need for justification."
“Excellent aftertaste — a compliment to the ingredients.”
"Their pies are perfectly formed, with such thin pastry and such plump fruit, it’s no wonder that they’ve had to press their crack baking team into service around the clock to keep up with demand."
"The pastry here was almost universally considered to be excellent; attractively shiny and light, with the quantity and thickness well matched to the filling."
"Where to go to find the perfect mince pie: Konditor & Cook - Serving brownies, cupcakes, every type of cake you could imagine and of course, our fave mince pies, this is a great place to find your sugar high."
"Putting even our own mother’s to shame, Konditor and Cook undoubtedly have some of the best mince pies to have ever graced the surface of the culinary world."

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