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Jonathan Apples | Local Apple Variety From New York, United States of America | TasteAtlas

Jonathan apples

Jonathan is an apple variety that's believed to have originated in Woodstock, New York in 1826. This apple is a parent to many other varieties such as Jonagold, Jonafree, and Jonamac. The apples are medium-sized with a thin red skin and yellow or green blushes.

The texture of the flesh is juicy and crisp, while the flavors are mildly sweet, tart, and tangy with hints of spice. Available in the fall, Jonathan apples are usually cooked or eaten fresh. It's recommended to add slices to tarts, purees, soups, or use it in pies and sauces.

Due to their slightly spicy flavor, these apples are often made into juices or ciders.