Ardennes ham is a cured meat product made in the Wallonian provinces of Luxembourg, Liege and Namur. For the perfect Jambon d'Ardenne each ham is first dry-salted and then immersed into brine to soak in the flavors of a traditional mix of spices such as thyme, laurel, juniper berries and cloves. After the salting, the hams are slow smoked over beech or oak sawdust, which gives this Belgian delicacy its characteristic bouquet. Enjoyed throughout Belgium, this ham is marketed in a variety of cuts: Jambon d'Ardenne refers to a whole bone-in ham; a highly prized boneless center cut is called Fleur or Coeur d'Ardenne, and there's also Noix de Jambon d'Ardenne, which is actually the smallest muscle of the ham and its leanest cut. Ardennes ham is usually served alongside raw vegetables and fruits but it is also an essential ingredient in the preparation of traditional Belgian omelettes and pancakes.