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This variety of Iberian ham is produced with meat coming from acorn-fed Iberian pigs that are either 75% or 50% pure Iberian breed, meaning they have been crossbred with other pigs such as the Duroc breed. As in the case of jamó... READ MORE
Regarded as the most exquisite variety of Iberian ham, or jamón ibérico, this ham is made with the meat of 100% purebred black Iberian pigs that have been roaming freely across oak pastures (Dehesa) and feeding on a... READ MORE
Jamón Ibérico is a unique ham produced both in Spain and in Portugal. It is made from black ibérico pigs who eat a diet of corn, acorns, and other feed, most of them roaming freely across the pastures. As a result, the cured h... READ MORE
Carefully crafted with the same diligent care since the Roman times, Prosciutto di Parma is a true masterwork of time and tradition, and a gold standard of Italian prosciutto. The pigs of the Large White, Landrace and DurocREAD MORE
Jamón Serrano is a cured ham produced using the traditional methods dating back to Roman times. This ham has a bright pink to purple color and shiny appearance when cut. This ham is made in four separate steps that include salting,... READ MORE
Produced in the hilly area around the town of San Daniele in the province of Udine, Prosciutto di San Daniele is even sweeter and darker in color with a more delicate flavor than in other varieties. In the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, wh... READ MORE
Known as crème de la crème of Italian hams, with a tradition dating back to the 14th century, Culatello di Zibello is one of the most prized products of Parma nowadays made only with pigs raised in the regions of Emilia-Roma... READ MORE
Njeguška pršuta is a prosciutto variety originating from the area of Njeguši in Montenegro, hence the name. Pork ham is traditionally salted with sea salt, pressed in order to remove excess liquid, then smoked and dri... READ MORE
Alentejo ham is a regional specialty made from the legs and shoulders of Alentejo pigs produced in the districts of Castelo Branco, Portalegre, Santarém, Évora, Beja, Setubal, and Faro. These areas typically have ho... READ MORE
Named after a village nestled in the Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche Nature Park, in the northern part of the Andalusian province of Huelva, Jabugo is a variety of the popular Spanish Ibérico ham or shoulder ham made from the m... READ MORE
Presunto de Barrancos is a cured ham specialty originating from the small town of Barrancos in southeastern Portugal. Barrancos ham comes from the Alentejo region, which has a Mediterranean microclimate with high summer temperatures, high... READ MORE
The Campo Maior and Elvas ham and paleta are made using pork taken from Alentejo breed pigs raised in the municipalities of Campo Maior and Elvas in Portalegre. These pigs are raised outdoors, feeding on grasses... READ MORE
Vinhais ham is a smoked pork meat specialty made from the hind legs of Bisaro pigs raised in the municipality of Bragança in Portugal. Vinhais presunto is made by first massaging raw cuts of pork to eliminate the internal ... READ MORE
Užička pršuta is a variety of smoked ham that has been traditionally prepared in the mountainous district of Zlatibor, namely in Čajetina, Užice, and Nova Varoš municipalities. This meat specialty came to be known as uži... READ MORE
Guijuelo is a ham or a shoulder from pure-bred pigs of Ibérico breed made in the autonomous community of Extremadura. This ham has an exceptional ratio of sweet and savory flavors that are complemented by nutty and woody notes. It ... READ MORE
Dalmatinski pršut is a cured, smoked, and dried ham that is usually served thinly sliced alongside bread, cheese, or fruit such as melon. Unlike its Italian (prosciutto) and Istrian counterparts, the Dalmatian version of prš... READ MORE
Produced under the same strict laws and traditions since the 15th century, Prosciutto Toscano is made exclusively with pigs born, bred, fattened and slaughtered in Tuscany. All pig legs must be provided with the breeder’s certificat... READ MORE
Jamón de Serón is a ham made exclusively within the municipality of Serón from pigs of Duroc, Large White, Landrace, Blanco Belga, Pietrain or Chato Murciano breed... READ MORE
Dehesa de Extremadura is a cured ham and shoulders made of pure-bred Ibérico-pigs meat produced in the provinces of Cáceres and Badajoz. The manufacturing process takes at least 18 months for hams and 12 months for the shoul... READ MORE
One of the staple ingredients of Croatian cuisine, Istrian pršut or prosciutto is a traditional cured and dried ham. It is usually served thinly sliced as an entree, alongside some artisanal bread and sheep or goat milk cheese. Its producti... READ MORE
According to earliest historical evidence, the origins of Modena ham date back to the time of Celts and later the Romans whose legions used to stock up on salted pork meat before setting off on military expeditions. Traditionally, this ham is prod... READ MORE
Considered to be of the best quality of all the Croatian prosciuttos, Drniš prosciutto is a cured, smoked and dried ham produced in this region since the 14th century. It is scientifically proven that the submediterranean microclimate condi... READ MORE
Jambon sec de Corse is a salted, dry-cured and matured ham made from the meat of the local Nustrale breed of pork, coming from the French island of Corsica, where the soil and climate favorably influence the taste of the meat. Th... READ MORE
Zlatiborska pršuta is a traditional smoked ham hailing from the mountainous region of Zlatibor, and it is usually associated with the village of Mačkat. Following a century-old method of preparation, this meat specialty is typicall... READ MORE
This Iberian ham variety comes from black Iberian pigs of either 75% or 50% Iberian breed. The difference between this variety and the other two Iberian ham varieties, namely the bellota and the cebo de campo varieties, which are... READ MORE
Jambon d'Auvergne is a dried pork ham made from the hind leg, produced in the French region of Auvergne (departments of Cantal, Haute-Loire, Lot, Corréze and Puy-de-Dôme). The ham is dried, salted and matured for at least eig... READ MORE
Jambon sec des Ardennes and Noix de Jambon sec des Ardennes are pig's meat hams that are dried and rubbed with salt containing special flavorings, spices (including juniper berries) and sugar, produced in the French region of Ard... READ MORE
The municipality of Melgaço, strongly influenced by the Minho river, is a must for all lovers of great food. The region's cuisine, while simple, is exceptionally delicious. In addition to the region's excellent wines, one of its most famous... READ MORE
Black Forest ham is the best-selling smoked ham in Europe. It is made from the hind leg of the pig, spiced according to producers' own traditional recipes, and cold smoked using fir wood from the Black Forest. The spices used are salt, garlic, cor... READ MORE
Jambon de Bayonne is a dried pork ham from south-western France that matures for at least seven months and is salted using salt from the Adour river basin. During the maturation process, the ham gets tender and develops its distinctive ar... READ MORE
Ardennes ham is a cured meat product made in the Wallonian provinces of Luxembourg, Liege and Namur. For the perfect Jambon d'Ardenne each ham is first dry-salted and then immersed into brine to soak in the flavors of a traditional mix of... READ MORE
Jamón de Teruel and Paleta de Teruel are the cured hams and shoulders made of pigs meat from the Duroc, Landrace and the Large White breeds, in the province of Teruel. These hams are usually cove... READ MORE
Traditionally produced using an age-old Flemish method, ganda ham is a dry-salted meat specialty hailing from Belgium. The meat product consists only of high-quality Belgian pork and dry sea salt (La Baleine) from Montpellier. En... READ MORE
Jambon de Vendée is a smoked, cured and boneless ham made from pig's meat in the French region of Vendée. The pigs used to get the final product are reared in the open air where they roam freely. The ham is hand rubbed with ... READ MORE
Here in the mountainous Umbria, a region rich in oak forests where the tradition of pig breeding and meat curing dates back to the Roman times, it is said that a good prosciutto needs to 'live through at least one winter and one summer'. This vari... READ MORE
This North German ham is a specialty of the Schleswig-Holstein region. To produce this cured ham, pork meat is smoked for up to eight weeks over an open fire. With the introduction of closed fireplaces, the smoking process shifted to special smoki... READ MORE
Santana da Serra ham is made using pork taken from Alentejo breed pigs, which are raised outdoors and feed on a diet consisting of wild herbs and cereals. Santana da Serra presunto is made of thigh meat, while paleta is ... READ MORE
Jamón ibérico de cebo de campo is a variety of Iberian dry-cured and aged ham. It is made with the meat of free-range, black Iberian pigs that are either 75% or 50% pure Iberian breed. What distinguishes this variety of ham ... READ MORE
This variety of prosciutto comes from the small northern Italian village of Sauris di Sotto, settled in the region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. All Sauris hams must come from the Large White, Landrace and Duroc pig breeds. Unlike ot... READ MORE
This prosciutto originates from the provinces of Padova, Vicenza and Verona in the Veneto region, where techniques for preserving and processing pork were known and widespread as far back as Pre-Roman times. It is mainly produced in the Po valley ... READ MORE
Lacón Gallego is a cured and dried ham produced in the region of Galicia. This type of ham, unlike the jamon, is produced solely from pigs' shoulders. The breeds used in the production of this ham are Celt, La... READ MORE
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Budla, goranski nadjev, crnoluški želudac, budel, or nadelo are just some of the names for this delicacy hailing from the Croatian region of Gorski Kotar. There are as many names as there are recipes for this meat product ... READ MORE
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Endives au jambon is a traditional dish that's especially popular in the region of Seine-Maritime. The dish is usually made with a combination of endives, lemon juice, milk, flour, butter, ham slices, nutmeg, Neufchâtel cheese, salt, and bla... READ MORE
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Feijoada à transmontana is a traditional stew from the Trás-os-Montes region, particularly from Candedo. It consists of red beans cooked with a variety of pork meats such as ear, snout, feet, and smoked cuts, along with sausages like... READ MORE
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Garbure is a traditional thick soup from the southwest of France, consisting of meat, cheese, stale bread, and vegetables such as cabbage, peas, onions, or carrots. The soup is traditionally served as an evening meal over two courses, so the meat ... READ MORE
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Tripas aos molhos is a traditional offal dish originating from the Vila Real area. Although there are variations, the dish is usually made with a combination of veal tripe, ham, parsley, onions, white wine, olive oil, salt, paprika, and hot pepper... READ MORE