"Try some of the traditional and very sweet desserts at Goreme Muhallebicisi, such as muhallebi (a blancmange-like, creamy dessert)."
on Muhallebi
"Göreme Muhallebicisi in Kurtuluş is one of the best places to try out kazandibi (thick pudding with a slightly burnt caramel top)."
on Kazandibi
"And the end result is pudding! Head to the old fashioned pudding house of Göreme Muhallebicisi, in the Kurtuluş neighbourhood, to check it out. They've been making it there since 1950."
on Tavuk göğsü
"For those who like the burnt taste, I’d recommend them to taste Kazandibi."
on Kazandibi
"After the shock and awe of the stretchiness wore off, we were left most impressed by the creamy notes of this pudding."
on Kazandibi
"However, Tavukgöğsü, is one of the best I’ve ever had."
on Tavuk göğsü
"From what I’ve tasted, sütlaç (rice pudding) is quite good."
on Fırın sütlaç