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Ganmodoki | Traditional Snack From Japan | TasteAtlas
Ganmodoki | Traditional Snack From Japan | TasteAtlas
Ganmodoki | Traditional Snack From Japan | TasteAtlas
Ganmodoki | Traditional Snack From Japan | TasteAtlas
Ganmodoki | Traditional Snack From Japan | TasteAtlas


(がんもどき, 雁擬き, Japanese Tofu Fritters )

The round and crispy ganmodoki are traditional Japanese tofu fritters. Originally, the name referred to a combination of stuffed and deep-fried tofu, but today it applies to a delicious combination of mashed tofu and various vegetables. Deep-fried until golden, ganmodoki fritters are usually enjoyed plain or served as a complement to soups or stews.

It is believed that ganmodoki originated among the Buddhist monks, who had many innovative ways to replace meat products with nutritious and filling dishes.