Fricandó amb moixernons is a classic Catalan dish of casseroled veal. There are as many variations on this dish as there are cooks. Dating back to the beginning of the 18th century, the dish is prepared with small, flattened slices of veal (rump, shank, round, flank), onions, carrots, tomatoes, almonds, garlic, flour, white wine, carquinyoli biscuits, and moixernons (fairy ring mushrooms).
Optional ingredients include bacon and a bit of dark chocolate. The meat is covered with the sauce and a picada consisting of parsley, chopped garlic, and carquinyoli biscuits. Fricandó amb moixernons is usually left to stand for a few hours or even a few days before serving so that the flavors become even better.
Pan de barra is a Spanish-style baguette, a rustic bread loaf that’s made with a simple dough consisting of flour, water, yeast, and salt. The dough is shaped ... Read more