"The empanadas are great here, too – try the atún (tuna)."
on Empanadas
"And though we're on Slice here, I'd be remiss not to mention El Cuartito's empanadas, the best we had in Buenos Aires—particularly the flaky-crusted tuna."
on Empanadas
"Empanadas are very good. Try the spicy beef one and the jamon y queso one."
on Empanadas
"The most delicious pizza I’ve eaten in quite some time, this incredible restaurant is one of the city’s best. The prices at El Cuartito are great and the pizza is out of this world. At least, it is if you like cheese, mounds of heavy cheese dripping off every slice."
on Pizza
"The Best Pizzerias in Buenos Aires: El Cuartito - Perhaps second in the running for the city’s best Argie version of pizza is El Cuartito, located just a stone’s throw away from its rival in the heart of the theater district near Avenida Corriente. It’s best to go with a few friends and share a deep-pan pie and some beers, but beware, there is often a queue."
on Pizza
"At first glance, the crust looked a bit heavy and bready to my New York-biased eye. But I swallowed that skepticism along with my first bite. Though the base crust is quite thick, it's got a tender, airy interior that keeps things from getting too heavy, and the outer edge gets a satisfying crunch."
on Pizza
"Only one however, is worth dying for: the Fugazza. Covered in so many onions that the chefs are sure to being crying their eyes out back in the kitchen, this peculiar pizza even forgoes the tomato sauce to focus on the crisp onion flavor. Pair that with a Quilmes beer, or three, and you have yourself a meal."
on Fugazza
"Order a porción de faina along with your slice of mozzarella pizza, plop it on top, and you end up with something like a heavier pizza sandwich."
on Fainá
"With cascading cheese that crusts up around the edges and fall-apart sweet onions, the fugazza is one of the better slices I've had in recent memory. And certainly one of the most satisfying. Cheese-lovers, it's a pizza for you."
on Fugazza
"El Cuartito is legendary. The pizza is often accompanied by faina. This is a delicious flat pancake-like bread made with garbanzo beans. For a foodie, this is an experience not to miss out while in Buenos Aires!"
on Fainá