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Ekstra Deviško Oljčno Olje Slovenske Istre | Local Olive Oil From Slovene Istria, Slovenia | TasteAtlas

Ekstra Deviško Oljčno Olje Slovenske Istre

This top-quality olive oil has a slightly bitter taste with a fruity aroma. It is produced exclusively within the designated geographical region of Slovenska Istra from the following varieties of olive trees: Istrska belica, Leccino, Buga, Črnica, Maurino, Frantoio and Pendolino.

Oil produced from any particular variety must contain at least 80% of the declared variety. The truly unique nature of Ekstra deviško oljčno olje Slovenske Istre is best presented with Istrska belica: this variety produces oil that is especially high in biophenols, natural antioxidants which protect the oil from damage, keep it fresh for longer and give it greater stability.