Although some may think that chili con carne is an authentic Mexican dish, it is actually an original American dish, made only in a few places in Mexico in order to cater to the tourists. If the dish were Mexican, it would still be a staple on the Mexican menus throughout the country, since traditional dishes do not go away that easily in Mexico.
Chili con carne is a meat-based stew consisting of finely chopped beef, hot chiles, seasonings, and water, although the ingredients that go in a chili are a subject of endless debates. Purists insist that there are no tomatoes or beans in a real chili, although many others beg to differ.
The earliest evidence of chili con carne can be found in J. C. Clopper's document, who visited San Antonio in 1826 and wrote about this poor man's dish where chile peppers were stewed together with tiny pieces of meat. Today, chili con carne is a wildly popular dish throughout America, with variations such as Tex-Mex, New Mexico, and Cincinnati chili.
Petite Sirah is a common name for a red grape variety mainly cultivated in California. The grape produces dark, powerful, and full-bodied red wines with medium ... Read more
Adapted from the library of The Institute of Texan Cultures, the following recipe is the one used by the Chili Queens of San Antonio, although slightly adapted to today’s standards and measures. Chili in itself is a pretty simple and easy dish to make. The thing to be mindful of is to wear gloves when handling those hot chilies. And if you’d like to add beans to the dish, make sure you follow the original recipe and cook and serve those separately.
Adapted from the 1953 A Bowl of Red by Frank X. Tolbert, a Texas journalist, and historian, this recipe follows the rules of a true, original chili, meaning no beans, no tomatoes, no onions, and no “fillers”. The chile pods are precooked and then added to the dish. And, if desired, for extra spiciness, more chile pods can be added a few minutes before the meal is finished.
Although traditionally, chili con carne does not have beans and tomatoes, in this popular variant, both are included. That said, making chili con carne with beans has been such a widespread and long-standing practice it's considered a traditional variant. Serve over boiled rice, topped with sour cream.
Adapted from the library of The Institute of Texan Cultures, the following recipe is the one used by the Chili Queens of San Antonio, although slightly adapted to today’s standards and measures. Chili in itself is a pretty simple and easy dish to make. The thing to be mindful of is to wear gloves when handling those hot chilies. And if you’d like to add beans to the dish, make sure you follow the original recipe and cook and serve those separately.