"Each socca is piping-hot… and massive, about 5-feet in diameter, and raked as it’s baked which makes the surface extra-crispy. When the giant disk is yanked from the oven, it’s brought to your table seconds later. Don’t wait—dive right in! The drink of choice is icy rosé and be sure to request a double order, since you’ll eat every bite."
"Each socca is piping-hot… and massive, about 5-feet in diameter, and raked as it’s baked which makes the surface extra-crispy. When the giant disk is yanked from the oven, it’s brought to your table seconds later. Don’t wait—dive right in! The drink of choice is icy rosé and be sure to request a double order, since you’ll eat every bite."
on Socca
"Everyone says the best socca (chickpea-flour pancakes) can be found in the old town, but don’t believe them – this place near Port Lympia has been in the biz since 1923 and, for our money, knocks socca-shaped spots off anywhere else in Nice."
on Socca
"There are plenty of places where you can sample socca in the Old Town, but if you want to understand why so much fuss is made in Nice over this chickpea pancake, this out-of-the-way café behind the Port is the place to go. As is normal for making this recipe, a batter of chickpea flour, water, olive oil, and salt is baked in giant copper tins in a wood-fired oven, but here, the cook expertly scrapes the surface of the nearly-cooked dough with a metal spatula so that it comes out extra-crispy."
on Socca
"You may have to wait up to 45 minutes for some socca in this popular restaurant, but it is 100 percent worth it."
on Socca
"It has a texture and taste that is a bit like bread, but in fact socca is made from chickpea flour and olive oil. It’s not like anything I’ve ever had before, but I loved it. Each of us got our own plate with imperfectly sliced pieces."
on Socca
"Chez Pipo specializes in socca, a chickpea-flour flatbread that comes out of the restaurant’s wood-fired ovens looking like a giant pizza."
on Socca
"Chez Pipo is an institution of the socca."
on Socca
"For the very best socca in Nice, there is no better place to frequent than Chez Pipo."
on Socca
"This little shop, nestled in the harbour district, has the reputation of having the best socca in the city—the star of the restaurant. Here they serve delicious socca, a recipe made with chickpea flour and olive oil that probably arrived in town by sea with Genoese immigrants in the 19th century. The pancake is to be eaten hot with your hands, sprinkled with pepper and accompanied by a simple glass of rosé."
on Socca
"The Best Socca in Nice: Chez Pipo - Who does not know Chez Pipo in Nice? Not knowing Chez Pipo for a Nice person is like not knowing Gilles Bellatre, it's IMPOSSIBLE. A real Nice institution, recently revamped, always so many people flock to taste the socca from Pipo!"
on Socca