"The Bubur Ayam here may seem similar to those produced by its counterparts – it consists of porridge, slices of fried chicken, cakwe (deep-fried wheat-based dough), raw egg, and some cheese sticks – but once a spoonful lands in your mouth, it’ll feel like a slice of heaven had just made a pit stop on your palate."
"They serve their Bubur Ayam with a raw chicken egg, mixed right into the hot porridge. It's so tender and savory, it made many people addicted to this dish."
on Bubur ayam
"The Bubur Ayam here may seem similar to those produced by its counterparts – it consists of porridge, slices of fried chicken, cakwe (deep-fried wheat-based dough), raw egg, and some cheese sticks – but once a spoonful lands in your mouth, it’ll feel like a slice of heaven had just made a pit stop on your palate."
on Bubur ayam
"No need to worry about the taste at this Bubur place."
on Bubur ayam
"The uniqueness of Bubur Ayam Burito lies in the special topping, cheese sticks, and a half raw egg. Just try to imagine that delicacy!"
on Bubur ayam
"Famous for their thick porridge and savory flavors, so delicious on our tongue. It comes with unique cheese sticks."
on Bubur ayam
"No doubt about popularity of this Bubur Ayam. It is deserved by being savory and delicious, but for the huge portions as well."
on Bubur ayam
"This Bubur Ayam is famous for the special cheese sticks. They need more time to soften in the porridge, so they stay crunchy."
on Bubur ayam
"Legendary Bubur place. Loads of toppings! I like my porridge with long Keripik, they kind of fell like dumplings. Delicious and affordable."
on Bubur ayam
"Just try to imagine a worm porridge with fine Suwiran pieces of chicken, half-boiled egg, and some elegant cheese and Krupuk at the top. Superb!"
on Bubur ayam
"If you are looking for tasty bubur, then you shouldn’t miss Bubur Barito."
on Bubur ayam