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Borrego do Baixo Alentejo | Local Lamb From Beja District, Western Europe | TasteAtlas
Borrego do Baixo Alentejo | Local Lamb From Beja District, Western Europe | TasteAtlas
Borrego do Baixo Alentejo | Local Lamb From Beja District, Western Europe | TasteAtlas
Borrego do Baixo Alentejo | Local Lamb From Beja District, Western Europe | TasteAtlas

Borrego do Baixo Alentejo

(Lower Alentejo lamb)

This variety of lambs comes from Merina and Campanifa breeds and cross-breeds between them raised in the districts of Beja, Setúbal, and Évora. This lamb owes its unique mellow flavor to a unique diet mainly consisting of milk and only a small amount of cereals.

The meat is light pink in color and has a wonderfully juicy, tender consistency. It is characterized by its low fat content, which gives it a mild but complex flavor. This lamb is commonly prepared around Easter, and it is usually simply roasted together with potatoes.

Not only is the meat put to good use, but the milk of this variety of sheep is used in the production of the famous Queijo Serpa.