100 Best Cuisines
in the World
in the World
Based on 395,205 (271,819 valid) dish ratings, and 115,660 (80,863 valid) food product ratings, these cuisines have recorded the best average ratings for their respective top 50 highest-rated dishes and food products. If two cuisines have the same average rating, the one with the highest-rated dish is ranked higher.
Best rated foods
Best restaurants to try Mexican cuisine
El Mural de los Poblanos
(Puebla de Zaragoza),
Casa Valadez
(Guanajuato City),
La Hacienda de Los Morales
(Mexico City),
Café de Tacuba
(Mexico City)
414 more
Best rated foods
Best restaurants to try Peruvian cuisine
La Mar Cebichería
Isolina Taberna Peruana
El Bodegon de Miraflores
Astrid y Gaston
(San Isidro),
367 more
100 Best Cheeses
in the World
in the World
From 1,378 cataloged cheeses and 36,551 recorded user ratings (24,296 valid), these are the top 100 cheeses with the best average rating.
Best Cheeses by Category
From 1,378 cataloged cheeses and 36,551 recorded ratings (24,296 valid), these are the cheeses with the best average rating, by category.
Best Food Regions
in the World
in the World
Based on 395,205 (271,819 valid) dish ratings, and 115,660 (80,863 valid) food product ratings, these regions have recorded the best average ratings for their highest-rated dishes and food products.
Best Foods by Category
Out of 10,927 cataloged dishes, and 6,119 food products and ingredients, based on 395,205 (271,819 valid) dish ratings, and 115,660 (80,863 valid) food product ratings, these foods have recorded the best average ratings, per category.