In the American system of primal beef cuts, ribs refer to the section of the cow that includes the sixth through the twelfth ribs, located between the chuck (shoulder area) and the loin (back area). This primal cut can be further divided into a few different sub-primal cuts.
For example, ribeye roast and ribeye steaks are obtained when the bone is removed. These cuts are highly prized for their excellent marbling and tenderness. Prime rib includes a larger section of the rib bone, often roasted with the bone in. Finally, the back ribs are left when the ribeye meat is removed.
Caldo de costilla is a beef soup from Colombia, namely its Andean region. The soup is a breakfast dish, made by boiling beef ribs with potato slices, onion, garlic, and ... Read more
Tacos de costilla are Mexican tacos made ... Read more