"If you're in Paris and you're not craving a crepe, then maybe you shouldn't be in Paris, because honestly who here isn't? And don't give in and buy the first crepe you see on the corner. It might be good too, but it's not Au P'tit Grec. They have any combination for crepes here, so make sure you have an empty stomach. Stop in here for dinner after your long day, as it will not only be the best crepe you've had, but also the biggest."
"Don't be put off by the queue! We ordered our food and were not disappointed. At around five euro for a massive crepe fulled to the brim with either sweet or savory options they were such good value for money. I couldn't even finish mine."
"In this little place, you can get delicious crêpes. You can choose from many flavours and the price won't ruin your budget."