"Feeding the hungry hordes of Penn State is quite a feat, but Are U Hungry (another vendor of fine “Fat” sandwiches located in State College) has got it down to a science. When you enter through its doors, you can put any notion of healthiness out the window and just embrace the fact that this is neither a pre-game or a post-game spot -- it simply is THE GAME."
on Fat Sandwich
"Are U Hungry, or commonly known as Sandwich U, is an institution in Morgantown amongst the college community. Not necessarily because it's outstanding food, but rather because of its vulgarity and ridiculously "fat" sandwiches."
on Fat Sandwich
"They are basically subs with every nasty, greasy thing you can imagine on them: fries, chicken fingers, cheesesteak, mozzarella sticks, mayo. My top place to eat them is at Are U Hungry? in State College."
on Fat Sandwich