Anju is the Korean name for a vast group of appetizers, snacks, or side dishes that are commonly enjoyed while drinking alcohol. Koreans regard anju as a crucial cultural concept and rarely drink alcoholic beverages without some sort of snack served on the side.
The number and type of dishes which are regarded as part of anju are huge - they encompass simple salty snacks, stew-like dishes, and even fast food items. The most suitable accompaniments are usually chosen when paired with a drink. When drinking beer, Koreans prefer to eat fried and heavy dishes such as fried chicken, sausages, french fries, or grilled meat and vegetables.
Convenient options also include chips, dried fish, crackers, and occasionally even some sweet treats. Depending on the occasion, environment, and type of company, anju dishes can be served as a set of different dishes (usually in smaller portions), or as one large meal that is typically shared among a group of people.