"These beauties are battered and fried to order, and are deep golden brown and supremely crunchy."
on Onion Rings
"Order a double and you’ll receive two cheese-topped patties stacked on top of each other, with a segment of bun in-between to absorb some of the juice. It’s a beaut."
on Cheeseburger
"The onion rings, on the other hand, were freshly battered, perfectly browned deep fried beauties that are absolutely worth getting."
on Onion Rings
"10 Great Burgers: Working Man's Friend - Smashing the patties onto a grill top seasoned by the years creates those crispy, salty jagged edges we have come to love."
on Cheeseburger
"The burgers -- those delicious diner-style griddled patties I love so hard, with that melted American and those griddled pungent onions -- have been around for generations due to the simple fact that they’re cheap, delicious, and should be ordered two at a time."
on Cheeseburger
"They are flattened against the grill while they cook, resulting in a crusty burger, particularly around the ultra-thin edges. Fully dressed with lettuce, tomato, and onion, we loved this double cheeseburger."
on Cheeseburger
"The perfectly cooked burgers had a bit of oil in them, as is often the case with smashed burgers, but that was a fine price to pay for the crisp exterior and beautiful beef lacing all the way around the edges."
on Cheeseburger
"Workingman's Friend giant double burger and onion rings, a thing of perfection."
on Onion Rings
"The onion rings are of the beer battered type, and were really good and crispy."
on Onion Rings
"The rings are crispy, not too batter-y and not too greasy, and just small enough to not leave you feeling like you wish you had eaten two fewer."
on Onion Rings