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at Veena Stores

Bangalore, India

Margosa Road 183, Bangalore, 560003 Karnataka, India +91 80 2334 4838


"Khara Bath i.e Upma was one of the best upma’s I have had. Mildly spicy, extremely soft, gooey, no need to chew just swallow."
"The Kharabath along with the chutney, here, is simply amazing."
"Though it’s a hole-in-the-wall shop where the owners dole out upma with mouth-watering chutney from steel vessels laid out on the counter, you’ll miss out on some amazing food if you judge it by its mere size!"
"Also the Khara Bath and the Vadas are brilliant!"
"Vermicelli upma- Shawige Bath is rich in ghee and coconut testes good with chuntey."

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