"They are definitely at their best when still warm! These days, for most people its almost impossible, indeed unthinkable, to drive past Trojane without stopping for a doughnut, cake and although it’s not exactly on my doorstep, if I’m in that direction I also always make a beeline there – well with the world’s worse sweet tooth I would!"
on Krapfen
"One of these desserts is extremely filling and heavy. But sooooo amazingly tasty!"
"Although I’m personally not the biggest fan of doughnuts and fried pastries in general, I have to admit that the ones from Trojane are surprisingly good, especially their house specialty version filled with blueberry jam, which is a bit sour and contrasts nicely with the sugary, fatty doughnut dough."
on Krapfen
User comments
"Amazing krofi for a very small price. For most Slovenes its a tradition to stop on their way from Ljubljana to Celje or Maribor. Its close to motorway too, so definitly worth 20 minutes of your time"