"Though sometimes derided as "Russian fast food", it actually serves a perfectly healthy array of Russian standards at very affordable prices. Choose ukha (fish soup)."
"They also do different porridge dishes, an awesome fish soup (ukha) and have beer on tap."
"The joint offers four types of traditional soups: borsch (the beet soup), ukha (the fish soup, here made with trout), split pea and ham soup and wild mushrooms soup. We tried all but borsch (because borsch we had at home), and each was hot, spot on and very fresh."
"The borsch, ukha (fish soup), pot stickers, buckwheat porridge, potato salad and syrniki with sour cream are delicious."
"Teremok have also branched out into offering other traditional Russian dishes such as porridge, and buckwheat and their fish soup (ukha) is really rather good."
"They serve different soups like incredible fish soup (Ukha) and draught beer."