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at Little Miss BBQ

Phoenix, United States of America

Grits In Little Miss BBQ | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
4301 E University Dr, Phoenix, AZ 85034, USA +1 602-437-1177


"Thick, creamy, cheesy, and dotted with jalapeno peppers, grits make a good companion to any of the menu’s meats."
"There are four sides on the menu but the meat-studded pinto beans and the jalapeño cheese grits were both fantastic."
"Don’t forget to ask for the ultra-southern jalapeno cheddar grits on the side."
"Round out the meal with a scoop of creamy jalapeño cheddar grits."
"Creamy with a delightful after-kick, the cheesy jalapeño-studded hominy is the standout among four side dishes."
"As for those cheddar and jalapeño grits: Get them. Little Miss' are less creamy than they are, well, gritty but pack a flavorful punch of cheese and heat."

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