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New York-Style Pizza

at Joe's Pizza

Manhattan, New York City, United States of America

7 Carmine Street, New York, NY 10014, USA +1 212-366-1182


"Joe's Pizza is Bleecker Street Pizza's closest competitor, and a worthy one."
"This pocket-sized pizzeria excels in the quintessential New York slice, with its pliant yet cracker-thin undercarriage, slightly sweet sauce and a blanket of drippy, fresh mozzarella—big rounds of pepperoni are the metaphorical cherry on top."
"Baked in a gas-fired oven, the pizza has an excellent crust, crispy, the crust alone raises it above most New York pizza places."
"The Absolute Best Slice of Pizza in New York: Joe's Pizza - Cooked so it’s a few shades shy of burnt and speckled with black spots, the thin crust has that slight yeasty tang, bends easily, and has a pudgier, puffy, and nicely browned end-crust."
"NYC Quintessential: Eat at Joe's Pizza. The crust is thinner than most and, as Richman says, takes on some lovely burned spots."
"New York City's 25 Most Iconic Pizzerias: Joe's Pizza - The crust is thin and crisp, with even layers of cheese and tomato sauce, and, notably, Joe's keeps the quality up with every single pie at all hours of the day. This is where you want to take out-of-towners to give them a first taste of a real New York City slice."
"Wildly popular, hole in the wall-ish, classic Village joint with thin, pliable crust, freshly sweet cheese that doesn’t smother the tangy sauce, and a 3 a.m. slice that will give you sweet dreams."
"The Ten Best Old-School Pizzas in NYC: Joe's Pizza - Plain slices are textbook, featuring bright, lightly sweet sauce melded with gooey low-moisture mozzarella and flour-forward crusts."
"Joe's doles out exactly what you expect from a classic slice joint — a piping hot, gooey cheese and savory tomato sauce spread atop a floury, chewy crust."
"It's the epitome of what a slice is supposed to taste like: thin-crusted, with the proper balance of bold sauce and cheese that tastes like cheese, not rubber."

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