"Gene & Georgetti is one of my favorite places to eat ever, anywhere. If you are not a carnivore, the shrimp de jonghe is probably the greatest Chicago dish going."
"Servers range from formal to gruff, but they mean well and they deliver the goods: textbook veal Vesuvio and garlicky shrimp De Jonghe that the veteran staff swears the joint invented."
"This is also the place to try shrimp de Jonghe, a great, neglected thirties Chicago dish of shrimp sautéed with oil, bread crumbs, and an immoderate quantity of garlic."
"Don't waste space on pasta--instead, try Shrimp de Jonghe: rich, buttery shrimp topped with garlic- and wine-spiked breadcrumbs (tip: ask that your side of cottage fries comes crispy)."
"Must-order: Start with the garlicky shrimp de Jonghe and follow up with a broiled fillet for the main course."
"There's nothing wrong with rocking it old school: Start with shrimp de Jonghe, and finish, satisfyingly, with cannoli."