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Street Food


at Cireng Rampat

Bandung, Indonesia

Jl. Cemara 63, Cipedes, Sukajadi, Bandung, 40162 West Java, Indonesia +62 821 1550 8849


"Every Cireng in here has a different shape, depending on the filling inside. Quite unique. It's delicious, abundant, and affordable, so it quickly became one of the Bandung's favorites."
"Claimed to be the pioneers of stuffed Cireng, their snacks come with various fillings and in different shapes. Quite large in size, without any additives, and really crispy!"
"It's chewy, similar to Cimol. You can feel the delicious blend of salty and sweet after the very first bite. Also, this Cireng is quite addictive, it makes you want more and more."

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