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at Café in the Crypt

Westminster, London, England

Crumble In Café in the Crypt | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 4JJ, England +44 20 7766 1100


"We had to eat at their cafeteria more than once, because the dessert (mixed berry crumble, with "pudding" i.e. thick cream, on the side) was so decadent. Best dessert we had in London! (And it's big enough to share.)"
"I had the best apple crumble I've ever had in my life here (sorry mum!)"
"The apple crumble at The Cafe in the Crypt in London is the stuff of my dreams."
"An apple crumble with custard… mmmm! I only ate around a quarter of this – there was SO much! – and when the girl took it away she asked why I didn’t like it. Sigh."

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