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Sweet Bread


at Băcănia Veche

Bucharest, Romania

Cozonac In Băcănia Veche | TasteAtlas | Recommended authentic restaurants
Strada Barbu Văcărescu 49, Bucharest 070721, Romania +40 21 210 1222


"Bacania Veche - because it has become a tradition. They are so sympathetic and flexible to customer requests, and they make cozonacs with soy milk and no butter for those intolerant to dairy."
"A cozonac with a waiting list, as are all the goodies from Băcănia Veche. If you want a homemade cozonac, this is it and is made specially by Mrs. Nina."
"Make your way up the Barbu Vacarescu, number 49, to Bacania Old because the cozonacs are kneaded by hand, filled with walnuts and cocoa, bio wheat, organic egg, brown sugar and pods of vanilla."

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