"Żurek – sensational! Strong, perfectly sour, with the aroma and aftertaste of mushrooms. Add an egg and a great, home-made white sausage. Definitely take it!"
on Żurek
"Simply poetry. Juicy, soft, falling apart without breaking under the fork. We dipped slices of bread baked on the spot in fat and wiped the plate dry. You absolutely must try it!"
"We recommend above all żołądki z gęsi - soft, fragrant, smelling of freshly ground pepper, swimming in golden, hot goose fat"
"Let's start with what we came for, i.e. the stomachs. They were soft and tasty. They fell apart into fibers when pressed with a fork."
User comments
"The taste is extraordinary, the dish is really simple but somehow unforgettable!"
"Great food! Amazing place that was introduced to me by my parents! They came there with their parents 🥹, the taste is same as it was when I was a child 🙏🏻🩵"
"I adore the food and the place! Great atmosphere and best food- goose stomaches, sour soup, and duck is my favourite!"