We strongly advise you to read the cooking tips before jumping to the recipe though
Typical of Iran's Gilan province, zeytoon parvardeh is a traditional Persian appetizer that is made with a mix of green olives, pomegranate molasses, walnuts, garlic, pomegranate juice, pomegranate seeds, blue eryngo, locally known as chochagh, angelica seeds, and salt. Olive oil can also be added, and some recipes will also include mint, coriander, and parsley. It is typically served as part of the mezze platter or as a side dish and cherished for its taste and health benefits, thanks to the antioxidants found in olives and pomegranate and the healthy fats in walnuts.
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The following is the authentic zeytoon parvardeh recipe typical of Gilan province where pitted olives are mixed with pomagrante paste, seeds, and juice, together with walnuts, garlic, chochagh, angelica seeds, orange juice, and salt.
500g (1.1 lbs) pitted, cured, green olives
120g (4 oz) ground walnuts
1 garlic head, cleaned and grated to paste
1 tsp angelica seeds
1 tbsp chochag, crushed to a paste
1 tbsp pomegranate paste
60 ml (1/4 cup) pomegranate juice
3 tbsp pomegranate seeds
1 tbsp orange juice
salt, as needed
Soak the olives in water for 10 to 30 minutes, depending on their saltiness, then drain in a strainer.
Combine all the specified ingredients except the olives and walnuts in a large mixing bowl. It's important to hold off on adding salt at this point, as the olives may already contain a sufficient amount.
After draining, toss the olives with the walnut powder into the prepared mixture.
Once mixed, transfer the olives into a sealed jar and refrigerate to preserve their freshness and flavor.
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