Traditional American pepperoni is a dry sausage that is smoked and air dried, although sometimes it can also be cooked. It is made from pork, beef, or a combination of both, usually 30% beef and 70% pork. The sausage is typically soft, wi... READ MORE
Pastramă (internationally better known as pastrami) is a traditional Romanian cured meat, usually made from goose, beef, lamb, pork, chicken, or turkey. It was c... READ MORE
Country ham is heavily salted cured pork leg, traditionally associated with the Southern United States. It originated during Colonial times as means of preservation in a humid climate and is nowadays prized as an artisanally made delicacy, differe... READ MORE
Vienna Beef hot dog is a sausage variety manufactured by Vienna Beef Inc., mainly used in the iconic Chicago-style hot dog. It consists of at least 75% ground bull beef, garlic juice, salt, paprika, and a secret blend of flavorings and seasoning, ... READ MORE
Long before beef jerky, there was pemmican, a Native American snack with a high fat content that was originally used as travel food. The word pemmican (pimîhkâ) comes from the Cree tribe and is derived from the word pimiREAD MORE
Smithfield ham is a trademarked country ham hailing from Smithfield, Virginia, where it's finish-cured. The ham is made from pork meat that's processed, treated, hickory-smoked, aged, salted, cured, and aged for at least 6 months (some might be ag... READ MORE
Kramarczuk's sausages are Eastern European-style smoked sausages produced by the Kramarczuk Sausage Company, owners of a namesake deli, bakery, and restaurant in Minneapolis. The sausages have no preservatives or fillers and get their flavor thank... READ MORE
Tinala' katne is a Chamorro version of beef jerky, consisting of dried and cured beef strips. The Spaniards introduced meat to Guam, and the word katne from the name of the dish is derived from the Spanish word carne, meaning